Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Autum Wether

It is startin' to feel like fall these dayz.  Furmom says I haf onlee lived thru one fall so fur, and this will be my sekund. I don't mind fall. I is, affer all, a inside kitteh. Wot I don't like, howefur is WINTUR! Eben tho I don't haf to go outside in the wintur 'less I wants to, I still don't likes it coz it makes everone sad and dupressed and a kitty can't sees the grassies outside and not many birdies come to visit.

I thinks me and my Furmom shood jus take off fur a tropikal eye-land and furget abouts alla wintur time. Jus come bak wen it is warm agin and the birdies and jumpy-froggies come out to play.


  1. Such pretty colors and we love the cooler weather.

    1. Oh yes, not like hot summertime when ya can't go outside wifout panting!

  2. Those autumn leaves would be fun to chase about in! But only if it's a warm day!

    1. Yes, and onlee iffen Furmom cleens me off afterwords.

  3. What pretty leaves and what wouldn't we do to be under that tree on the beach today in the sunshine!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. We totally agree! You'll love vacation!

    1. I wish I din't get car-sicky wen Furmom's drivin'. I eben threw up... not very lady-like :0(

  5. Autumn weather is coming here, too. Actually, I love it! Once the leaves turn pretty colours, they'll fall off the trees. Then, when there's a gust of wind, the leaves turn into toys to chase and catch and pounce upon. Ooohhh... what fun. I can hardly wait! purrs

    1. Furmom likes to take pitcherz wen the leeves turns colors. I likes to chase leeves and stomps on them and hear them all crunchy-like!
