Monday, September 17, 2012

Thank Hebbens I Made It Out Alive!!!!!!

Dis is me affer "the sleepober of this past Friday nite." Furmom's step-dotters ducided to haf a payjamma party. Dis hadda be the LOWDEST, most CRAZIEST, NERB-RAKKING party EBER. Did I menshun it was LOWD? I am used to sum lowd. But not DAT much lowd!  There were five girl beans that spended the nite wif Karlee & Ashlee. I neber seen so much crazee in one place befur. I din't dare post a bloggie over the weak-end coz iffen I was still fur too long, it coulda ben bad. I meen reely bad, like losin' all your furs bad. That's how bad it coulda ben.
Them girl beans made such a mess hole of the hous that I thot Furmom was gonna haf to take herseff to the 'mergencee room. There were payper plates and plastik bowls skattered everyplace a kitty cood see. Their bean beddytime rooms were trashed wif not one thing in place like it was s'posed to be. Sumhows, Ashlee wound up wif generik mussle-rub creme in her eyeball, like Icy Hot Furmom sed. Now tell me how THAT happent? The beans SED it was a aksident, but do YOU beleef them? Sumthin fishy went on iffen you ask me.

Needlez to say, I hid UTB as much as I possiblee cood. Furmom tooked me out by the new fire pit thingy fur a bit, but she holded me so nuffin ----or noONE---cood git me. It was nice sittin wif Furmom by the fire, but man oh man, was I eber nervus about one of those bean kids gittin' hold of me. I don't know iffen I cood wifstand anofur sleepover eber. Like neber, eber. Not eben eber. Whewwww...


  1. Oh my gosh!! We are so glad you survived the sleepover!! It must have been really really nerve racking!! Hope you are all calmed down now!!
    Your TX furiends,

    1. Thanks, I is glad too. It was a CLOSE call tho. I surbibed by the furs on my chinny-chin-chin.

  2. Wow! You survived a girl sleepover?!!? With all your furs intact??? You is one lucky kitty! Now you need treats and snuggles to calm your tattered nerves..

    1. Yep, all my furs are good and my nerves are quite bedder now. I is so glad. Nex time them girl beans plan a payjamma partee, I am callin' a taxee!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, I is too. I hopes it doesn't happen agin!

  4. Holy Ceiling Cat! We are amazed you can even talk about it!

    1. Yes, I is so furry thankful I made it thru. I know I woodn't haf if it wasn't fur Furmom. She kep the hiper bean kids at bay.

  5. Yikes!!!! That sounds like quite an ordeal :o
    We think we would be very,very scared too!
    We are happy to see you looking OK and that there is no fur missing! Whew.
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

    1. Thanks, I appreshiate the koncern. Whew.... am I eber glad to be outta that mess!

  6. That must of been a terrable time. Next time, maybe you can find a place to hide, preferrubly someplace up way high were no beans can get you. (or in the back of a closet, maybe)

    Glad you made it through OK>

    1. I is alreddy scoutin' out placies jus in case. Hopefully it won't happen agin, but jus in case...

  7. Phoenix! We're so glad you survived that ordeal!

    1. Thanks, I don't know how I maneged but sumhow I did. Glad it is ober! Now I can rests.

  8. We think next time they have a sleepover you should wait til they go to sleep then try to scare them and give them a taste of their own medicine!!! Hehehehehehehehehehe!!

    1. That is a good idea. Wonder wot I could do to them to reely scare the monkeys outta them. hehehehe
