Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tuezday Funs

I felt like exxercisin' while Furmom was on her treddy-meal.

Then I hadda take a brake.

Herez me wif my favrit toy in my mouf. I takes it to Furmom & she throws it. Over & over agin like how dogs do.

Herez ANOVER snake we saw yesserday. It was tryin' to get in the hous wen Furmom was takin' in grosherries.  What is a kitty to do?? That makez 2 snakes in about 2 weeks. Sheesh.


  1. Two snakes would be two too many for us!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. I thinks Furmom needs to bot sum snake bait or sumpin. What iffen one of those slipperies had bited her or me? No good, no good at all.

  2. Yikes! We had a snake on our front porch recently and that was one too many.

    1. Do yous think they are tryin' to come into our housies and nom our foodies?
