Friday, August 24, 2012

Not agin!!!!

Uh oh! I was passively lissnin' when I hurd furmom say dat I need a bathtime soon!

Akshully, I don't mind bathtimes at all.  Sumtimez when furmom is in da bathtubby, I likez to stand an' balance on the side uv it.  Furmom sayz I am reel good bout gittin' my bathtimes.


  1. Baths aren't a lot of fun!

    Welcome to the cat blogosphere. Please feel free to come by and visit.

  2. Welcome Phoenix! Glad to meet you. We are theCatStreetBoyz, there are 7 of us and none of us would ever want a bath!! We have a froo, froo woofie, (poodle) and he gets showers, shaved, fluffed up and sprayed with purfooom! No matter what Mom does to him he will never be a cat. Poor dude, but we like him anyway, ICE is pretty cool.
    BTW, You have really neat patterned furs=^Y^=

    1. Thankz you. Furmom sayz I am her neopolitan kitty. hehehe

  3. You is a braver kitteh than any of us, Phoenix. The Kitteh-That-Came-Before, was not skeered and sat on Mom's legs when she was takin a bath! Come over and visit us sumtime when you can. xoxo

    1. Dat is reely brave. Furmom neber tried to give any of the other kittehs a bathtime coz they were mostly outsides.

  4. Hi Phoenix!! We are very pleased to meet you!! Clementine likes to hang out on the bathtub ledge, too!
    Howdy from your TX furiends,

    1. The ledge is sooo funz! Sumtimez I even sticks my paw in hehehe

  5. We don't like sitting on the bath edge when it's wet - when it's dry we don't mind. We've never had a bath in a sit in bath and we don't mean to start. A lick of our tongues is quite enough to keep us smelling of roses!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. I like da bafroom in genereel. Sumtimes when furmom is gittin' reddy fur work, I curl upz in the sink and watchez her.

  6. Except for Arty we all dislike people baths. Arty liked getting a bath but not being dried off. Scylla hates getting a bath but loves being dried off by the Mom (only with towels though no hair dryers).

    1. I think I likez fur dryers better than towels, mebbe coz itz quicker an' I git done faster so I can get back to my playin'.

  7. My Dad gave me a bath once...he had one heck of a time getting the fur off of his tongue!

  8. aaauuuuugggghh!!! "Bath" is a four letter word!
    Hi Phoenix! We read about you on the CB...welcome!

    1. I try to be bathtime-frindly so furmom don't have a hard time. I eben let her clean my earz!

  9. Didn't anyone explain to your mom that kitties are self cleaning?

    1. She gits on the innernet an' does what she callz researches, then I wind up in the bathtime place. Mebbe I should diskinect her frum the innernet. hehehe

  10. Moosey is fascinated by the bathtub, too! :)

    Welcome to the CB, Phoenix!

    Your new pals at
    Animal Shelter Volunteer Life

  11. My kind-of-brother, Diezel, he likez bafs too. Furmom puts him inna shower, shuts the door, turnz showers on him, then latherz him up all sudzy. He iz one crazee dawg!

  12. One of my cats, Renn, loves baths - as long as I'm the one in the water. But he loves lying on the mat while the tub fills and after I get in. For some reason, it's the most exciting part of his week, feeling the warm, moist air and hearing the running water. As long as he's happy, I don't mind company while I wash.

    1. Yous sounds like a good fur momma. I bet Renn luvs yous to pieces :-)
