Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wakin' Furmom Is Funs!

Dis mornin', after sendin' Big Scary Guy off to werk, Furmom laid down onna couch fur a bit. I didn't want Furmom to lay down. I wanted Furmom up playin' wif me. I was hyper. Lotsa hyper. All sortsa hyper.

It was no funs havin' Furmom's eyes closed. Wot was I 'posed to do?? I don't getta sees Furmom fur much time befur her goes to werk, so I hadda maked sure she waked up!

I runned across the livin' room, ober to the couch. Nom, nom, nom, I goes on Furmom's paw. Runned off again. Circle back aroun' to other couch. Zip, zoom, run back over to Furmom. Stare at Furmom in attempt to wakes her. Mebbe if she senses me watchin' her sleeps, she will wakes up.

Nope. Didn't work.

I sticks my neck out... closer.... and.... NOM! I nommed Furmom's elbow! She woked up! It worked!

But she still not plays wif me.

I'll teech her.

Jump up onna arm of the couch..... and NOM! I nommed her hare & skalp! hehehe

Dat seemed to werk. Furmom gots up an played wif me fur a bit.  Now iffen onlee I cood keep her wif me all day insted of her havin' to go to werk alla time.  Dat will be my nex projekt!


  1. That shows your purrsistance paid off.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. Yeps, jus gotta keep doin' it til they gets up! hehe

  2. Good job.....we try nomming the mom to get her up but all that gets us is kicked out of the bedroom. :)

    1. Furmom shood be glad coz I waked her up an she wasn't late fur werk :0)

  3. My you sure are clever and it worked too!

    1. Yep it werked. Now lets see if her does it agin tomorrow. hehehe
